friend). Later on in this chapter, Jonas and his family make the dinner nightly ritual in which everyone tells the rest of their family how they were feeling that day. When it was Jonas turn he told his family that he was feeling apprehensive about the upcoming Ceremony of Twelve. The Ceremonies were celebrated each year on December and they marked the different ages of people. In the Ceremony of Twelve the committee of elders chose an assignment for each person, this is why this ceremony was the most important. On chapter 2 Jonas´ father was telling him about his own experience with the Ceremony of 12 and told him how he became a Nurturer. The same thing did his mother. After, Jonas´ was worried about what his assignment would be because unlike his father he had no idea. On chapter 3 the author is telling us about how Jonas managed to be announced in the speakers without the announcement to contain his name. This happened because when Asher and Jonas were playing catch with an apple at the Recreation Center, Jonas saw something strange in the apple and took it home, which was against the rules. Also, in this chapter Jonas´father took baby Gabe from the Nurturing Center to his home. On chapter 4 Jonas goes to volunteer at the House of the Old with Asher and Fiona, one of his friends. While he was helping Lariza take a bath, she told him about the celebration of the release of Roberto and told him his life story.
"There were only two ocations of release which were not punishment. Release of the elderly, which was a time of celebration for a life well and fully lived; and release of a new child, which always brought a sense of what-could-we-have-done." (7)
This quote makes me ask myself some questions about the meaning of release and how important it is in the community. One question that still troubles me is what is release? From what I could infer release is to like "kick out". Another thing that makes me question a lot is weather release is a good or bad thing in this community. For instance when during a game Asher made a wrong move and they lost the match Jonas shouted "That´s it Asher, you´re released!", and he was taken outside for a serious talk and later on had to appologize with Asher. However, on chapter 4 when Lariza is telling Jonas about Roberto´s release she says, "This morning we celebrated the release of Roberto, it was wonderful", it makes it seem like being released is something good and honorable. The word release and its meaning confuses me very often and I am eager to find out what it means while I read more of the book.
The Giver is a book filled with interesting topics, characters and events. I can´t wait to finish the book and find out more about all of these very interesting and great characters. By reading this book I have learned many things about live I didn´t before which makes it always interesting to read more. In the last four chapters I read I discovered many new things about each person and the organization of this society. Nevertheless, with every chapter I read the more questions I had about release and its meaning. I am looking forward to learning what it is in the next chapters of the book. I am also very exited about what will Jonas assignment will be.
Watch this video about the book The Giver.
Ale, i found your blog interesting and after reading your text response it made me think of how Jonas community takes the decisions and individual should take on his own without even asking them.
ResponderEliminarRafa, I am glad you found my blog interesting. I have also gave many thought on how individuality, one of the themes, is very rare on this book. I agree with you about someone taking another persons desicions for them shows how few things are left for people to be individuals and different. This makes each person special.
EliminarAle, your summary was very well developed and detailed makes me remember of little thing that I was missing. I am also very confused with the meaning of the word release in this book since for the elders it is a good thing, and for the younger ones it was bad and brought them disgrace. For example on page 32 Larissa commented, that Roberto’s release was very interesting and the elders on the room were glad of his life time. Here they are making release a good thing. But on page 2 Jonas explains ꞌ Needless to say, he will be released, the voice had said, followed by silence…. For a contributing citizen to be released from the community was a final decision, a terrible punishment, an overwhelming statement of failure.ꞌ Here it’s the opposite, they say release it’s a horrible thing that could happen to anybody and it’s a sign of failure. Released is a controversy word which has many different meaning for many people.
ResponderEliminarIsa, I am very happy you liked my summary and that it made you realize of thet one mini deatil you had missed. The word release makes me think about so many things as well. I agree with you that release is a very controversy word. I am really looking forward to discover the exact meaning of release and be able to identify wether it is a bad or good thing. The text examples you provided are very good for explaining how release is such a complicated word with very controverstic meanings.
EliminarAle I really liked your part about talking of the realising becuase in the book so far they have been saying that it is good and bad but they don't know the real meaning of it and they are hiding the truth from the people. How you know what they make you on the released part, it's okay to hide things from the community
ResponderEliminarCoque, I am very gald you liked that part of my blog. It is a very hard term and word to be released. I think that they shouldn´t completely hide from the community what the word release actually means. I am very intrigued to figure out if being released is a good or bad thing. I really look forward to find out.
EliminarAle, I really liked your blog. It caught my attention that you insert some images and a video. When I watch the video I could make a connection with the Truman’s show because it seems like a perfect society or a perfect world with no pain and without fear but little by little we start realizing that it isn’t perfect. I also talked on my blog about being released and what is it. You used a clear language that even though it is formal it is easy to understand. ;)
ResponderEliminarClau, I am glad that you fund my blog of your liking. I really like your connection to the Truman Show bacause it clearly shows a connection between both, the book and the movies perfect socienties. I liked how the video showed many things the book talked about. I am happy you liked it too.