jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

It´s Now or Never

The Giver, a book so interesting, filled with intrigue and surprises that I can´t stop reading. Below you will find a poem that states what has happened in the last chapters I read...

“The game of war should not be played,
it caused a fight between best friends.
Reality was then displayed,
and things came to an end.

Here they come, they’ll be born,
the twins expected for so long.
But only one can stay in here,
or else it would be a big deal.

Rosemary, Rosemary,
failed ten years ago,
in the attempt to handle it all.
The pain she couldn’t bear
led her to despair.
The release had to be made,
and elsewhere then she went.
Her memories still stayed,
and a lot of pain displayed.

Release, release, what does it mean?
It´s a harsh and cruel thing.
In which death is clearly seen,
but it´s hidden from everything.
A life like that should not exist,
its good things are dismissed.
 It´s now or never for a change,
so a plan had to be made.

For everyone to understand,
they´re life style should be banned,
the memories had to return,
no matter if they hurt.”

As I continued reading, there were several parts of the book which made me stop and think about many different things, however the following quote really grabbed my attention:

“The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It´s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.” (Lowry 154)

SHARE: it means to give a portion of something to others.

Life = sharing
When I read this quote it made me think mostly about the loneliness of not being able to share something so important, such as memories, with others. In life almost everything needs to be shared in order for them to be significant. A meaningful life is not one you keep to yourself, but one you share with others. Humans are interdependent, they need other people to share their life's with. Also, this made me think about one of the themes in the book: “Importance of Memories.” Memories give people wisdom, intelligence and feelings, but all of those things need to be shared, that’s what makes them special. The sharing of love and happiness as well as pain unites people together, like Jonas and The Giver. Furthermore when I read this quote I realized that if I had to live in a world in which special things like memories couldn't be shared, I would feel empty and lonely. No one should live like that, things had to change.

The Giver gets more interesting and makes me fill with intrigue each word I continue to read. The decision Jonas and The Giver made about changing their community and the way in functions really surprised me. I think that Jonas is a very brave person when he decided to leave everything behind to make people understand their life's needed to be different.If I was in his position it would be really hard for me to do it.  

There is only one chance to change this community... IT´S NOW OR NEVER. 

4 comentarios:

  1. Ale, I really liked your blog, specially the poem. Also I loved the quote you used for your text response. i agree with you in the part you talked about the importance of memories. You also talked about how love happiness and even pain can unite people but what about Jonas' society, how can they be united?

  2. Alegria, I think that a meaningful life depends of what you share, not what you do only. Also we can see how people in every day life get united by these mean, my parents have a good relationship by sharing their feelings, even the bad ones between them, and they are still happy together. Also as you stated sharing the feelings and memories make you feel as part of someone else making lonliness go away. I agree with all you have said, and I think that the chage is really now or never, also in our world.

  3. Ale, I loved your blog in the first thing. Then you were talking about a change and loneliness. I agree that if you have the memories and you can't tell people about them that makes feel apart because when you are happy or sad you shared it and it is more easy for you to give away some of the pain just like what the Giver did with war. But if you don't have memories you can't feel the loneliness of that. What I was seeing is that in the community they should learn to communicate better because, Jonas does not has communication with them and he is apart of everything. For me he is the new kid in school that is always excluded out, because of the rules. I agree that it is the time to make the change

  4. Ale, I love your creativity of making a poem for the summary! It was unique and fun to read! I used the same quote as yours, it impact me a lot. I totally agree with you, when you share memories you are taking a ´weight form your back´ you feel free. People around you are able to help you get over many sad memories, like a loss they try to make you feel better, but most important of all, they make you get over them. Just like the Giver and Jonas, Jonas had a painful shock about the term release and the Giver made him get over the memory, together they motivate themselves and came with a solution to the problem. That is what life is about, sharing. I also agree with you about Jonas being brave, he demonstrate it in many ways but the one that impacted me the most was in the page 118, when Jonas said ´´… Unless maybe there’s something I can do to help…. Please, take some of the pain.´´ It is clear that Jonas is brave enough to ask the Giver for a terrifying memory. He is abundant in courage. What do you think it will happen next? Do you think it is too late for the community to change?
